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稳 wen

Home Pinyin wen

安稳 ānwěn safe

不稳 bùwěn unsteadiness

不稳定 bù wěndìng unstable

沉稳 chénwěn calm

回稳 huíwěn steadying

平稳 píngwěn smooth

稳步 wěnbù steadily

稳定 wěndìng stabilising; stabilization; stabilize; stabilized; stabilizes; stabilizing; stable; stably

稳健 wěnjiàn steady

稳妥 wěntuǒ conservativeness; soundly

稳重 wěnzhòng sedate; staid; staidness; steady

亚稳 yàwěn metastable

Copyright (c) 2021 David Pearce